25% of a number is more than 18% of 650 by 19. The number is :
(A) 380.8 (B) 450 (C) 544 (D) None of these
Asap...solve it

Answer C

Explanation - 1st we will find 18% of 650
Which equals 117
Now ,25% of a number is 19 more than 18 % of 650
So,18 % of 650 is 117
So,we can write ,25% of a number is 19 more than 117
Now , 19 more than 117 equals 117+19=136
Now ,we can write 25% of a number is 136
Now ,let the number be A

So , A *25/100= 136
So , A = 136*100/25
So , answer is 544 (c)

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