3 Question

3 Question d. Why is mercury risky? 2. Write about the other Of thermorneters which not use f. What precautions should be taken while measuring the temperature with a lab 3. It has been observed that 8 to 10 days aner the rains. the level of water in a well rises. Which type of soil would allow rain water to reach the well faster and in greater Give reason for your choice. 4. Give reasons for the following a. Eucalyptus trees should planted along sewage mynds. b, Do not throw chemicals, like paints and medicines, down the drains. c• On a hot summer day, the air above the land is shimrnering- d. Clayey soil is used to make pots and toys. e. Soil erosion takes place where there is little or no vegetation-

Dear student,                                                                                                                                
​Please find below the solution to the asked query    

Sandy soil allows water to reach a well faster and in a greater amounts. The particles in sandy soil are loosely packed, with large air spaces. Water soaks into it easily.    

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