35 cardboard boxes are needed to pack a batch of medicine bottles with 20 bottles in each box.

a. If 25 medicine bottles are packed in each box, how many boxes would be needed?

b. If all the medicine bottles are packed in 14 cardboard boxes, how many medicine bottles would be packed in each box?

Solution  a.  No. of boxes needed = 35
                    No. of bottles packed in each box = 20          ( it is inversely proportional as if one quantity increases the other one decreases )
                 Total bottles = 35 *20

                 No of bottles packed in each box = 25
                So let the no of boxes be x.
               x* 25 = 35*20
               x = (35*20)/25
              x = 28

   Thus , no of boxes needed are 28

 Solution   b.   Same way   
                     No. of boxes needed = 35
                    No. of bottles packed in each box = 20          ( it is inversely proportional as if one quantity increases the other one decreases )
                 Total bottles = 35 *20

                    No of boxes = 14
         Let the no of bottles packed in each box be x.
           14*x = 35*20
          x  =  (35*20)/14
           x = 50

 Thus , 50 bottles should be packed in each box.

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