4.6*1022atoms of an element weighs 13.8g.what will be the atomic weight of that element?

Dear Student,

Atomic weight of an element = Mass (g) of that element in 1 mole

We know that, 

1 mole of an element = 6.023 x 1023 atoms .

If 4.6 x 1022 atoms of an element weigh 13.8 g

∴ 6.023 x 1023 atoms of that element will weigh (6.023 x 1023 x 13.8 g) / (4.6 x 1022) = 180.69 g.


1 mole of an element weighs 180.69 g, so

Atomic Weight of the element = 180.69 g

Hope its clear now.

Enjoy learning!!

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