4 examples of unclarified assumption, semantic barrier of communication, directing ch

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Here is your answer,

When a message is communicated, there might be a difference in the assumptions formed by the receiver and the assumptions intended to reach the receiver. Hence, doubts must always be entertained by the sender of the message. This is knows as Unclarified assumption.
1. if employer says we would achieve our goals as soon as possible, so there some employees may assume 1 week, some one month as time is not particularly clarified.

2. If it is said that our new employee is very good, so some people will assume him intelligent, some effective, some friendly and some emotionally. Assumptions are different for all.

3. If sender says that we should work hard from now, it may means that we should have to grow now in the market, but receivers may assumes that we are non hard working.

4. If employer issues the order to employees by assuming that he may know the basics of that, but it may also happen that employee do that work on his own wrong assumption, which may prove to be wrong.



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