[5,7,11,13,17] ........describe this in set builder form

Let A be the set A={5,7,11,13,19}
A={ x: x is prime number, 3<x<19}

  • 0

x:x E A and is an odd number

Where... E here means "Element"

And A is the whole set

  • 0

A= {x:xis a prime number,319} If u Have not considered the dots of infinity u have placed outside the box

A= {x:xis a prime number,3

  • 3

WHat a site i HAve posted what and it shows what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A {x:xis a prime number ,3 19} If u Have not considered the dots of infinity u have placed outside the box

A {x:x is a prime number ,3

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Plase consider once again In between Three abd x in first equation it is Greater than sign And in between x and 19 there is Smaller than sign

In second equation itis greater than sign stating x is greater than 3 ( the second equation applies when the dots u have put are in side the brackets

  • 0

A = { x : x is a prime no. between 5 to 17 including 5 and 17 }

  • 1
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