5 Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write your answers in the answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do not copy the entire passage. It is (a) _____ that he was the son of a poor Brahmin. According to a popular legend, he died (b)_____ an expedition to Afghanistan due to treachery. There are a couple of other stories too 3 Page 3 of 5 (c)_____ are of the same time and type. (a) (i) believed (ii) belief (iii) believe (iv) believes (b) (i) on (ii) in (iii) for (iv) from (c) (i) who (ii) whose (iii) that (iv) whom 


Dear student,

The answers are:
  1. believed
  2. on
  3. that

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