5 differences between loudness and pitch

Differences between loudness and pitch are 

Loudness is the measure of response of a sound by a human ear.Pitch is quality of sound which decide shrillness.
It depends on amplitude.It depends on frequency.
It is measured in decibel.It is measured in Hertz.
Greater the amplitude larger will be loudness.Greater the frequency higher will be pitch.

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Loudness is influenced by the amplitude of vibration of sound whereas pitch is influenced by the frequency of vibration of sound. The greater the amplitude of vibration of the sound, the greater is the loudness of the sound. The greater the frequency of vibration of sound, the higher is the pitch of the sound.

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Loudness is a measure of response of our ear to sound. The unit of loudness is decibel. It depends on amplitude.
Pitch is the characteristic of sound which help us to distinguish sounds of same loudness but of different frequency.
It depends on frequency. Greater the frequency, the greater will be the pitch.   Pitch helps us to distinguish between voice of woman and man.
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Loudness of the sound is determined by the amplitude of vibration of the sound wave. More is the amplitude of vibration ,louder is the sound produced.


Frequency determines the shrillness or pitch of the sound. More is the frequency of vibration ,shriller is the sound produced.

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