5 gram of sugar is dissolved in 250 ml of solution. Calculate its mass percentage by volume.

Given that amount of sugar (solute) = 5 gram.

Amount of solution = 250 ml.

Therefore, mass/volume percentage of the solution = ?

Mass/volume of the solution x100

5 grams/250 ml x100

= 2%

Therefore, mass/volume percentage of the solution = 2%.

  • 18
a solution made by dissolving 5g of glucose 250g of water.calculate he concentration of solutiion mass percentage
  • -1
density of water =1gm/ml
mass of water = 250gm
mass percentage =mass of solute/mass of solution
mass of solution =250+5=255
mass percentage =5/255=0.19607......
  • -3
density of water =1gm/ml
hence mass of water= 250gms
thus mass of solution=250+5=255gms
mass percentage = mass of solute/mass of solution=5/255=1/51=1.9607

  • 0

Given that amount of sugar (solute) = 5 gram.

Amount of solution = 250 ml.

Therefore, mass/volume percentage of the solution = ?

Mass/volume of the solution x100

5 grams/250 ml x100

= 2%

Therefore, mass/volume percentage of the solution = 2%.

  • 0
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