5 humorous incidents of three men in a boat ch-1 to 10

5 humorous incidents of three men in a boat ch-1 to ch10:
1. All the mess created when uncle Podger hangs a picture in Chapter- 3 from page 31 [4th paragraph] to pg. 33
2. the wrong packing doe by them in chapter 4.[consult the summary]
3. the wrong weather forecasts in chapter 5. [consult the summary]
4. the wrong guidance by Harris in the maze in chapter 6. [Consult the summary]
5. gathering of numerous people around them and mentioning their different and peculiar guesses about their mission in chapter 5 from page 57 [3rd paragraph] to pg. 58 [ 2nd paragraph].
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1) when they reach the station and none knows where there train is
2)when j vounteers to make the list and it turns ridicullously long
3)when george and harris volunteer to pack the food but keep forgetting thing and harris steps on the butter
4)when the men settle for lunch and try to open the can of pineapples but didi not bring the can opener
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what is complement theory?

In set theory, the complement of a set A refers to elements not in A. The relative complement of A with respect to a set B, also termed the difference of sets A and B, written B ∖ A, is the set of elements in B but not in A. When all sets under consideration are considered to be subsets of a given set U, the absolute complement of A is the set of elements in U but not in A.
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3 very humorous incident in the novel are:-)
1. When Jerome goes to a British Museum on page no. 6 and paragraph 3 to page no. 8 paragraph 2.
2. When everything was messed up due to uncle podger's part
3. When all of they were getting late and George was still asleep then Jerome and Harris beated him with sleepers and shouted in his ears.pg no. 55 paragraph 4 to pg. no. 56  paragraph 
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please tell me from chapter 7
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please send the funniest incidents from chapter 1to8.please.
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Lplease tell me after chapter 10
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  The 5 Humorous incidents are :

1) The incident of Uncle Podger.
2)The wrong packing.
3)Weather forecasts.
4)Hampton Court Maze.
5)The incidents of Biggs' Boy and the other people when the two men (Harris and Author) stand to book a cab.

Hope this answer helps you.
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Also, when the Author went to the Museum and found out tat he had all the diseases except Housemaid's Knee in  the first chapter.

Sorry to add that first itself.

Hope this answer as well hepls you..
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nice answer had been written by the meritnation students.
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mess created by uncle podger
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5 humorous incidents are: 1 cheese incidents 2 lock incident. 3 uncle podger incident 4 their boat is abondoned. 5 harris has a mishap
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1 story of uncle podger
2 misunderstanding in wargrave
3 plaster of paris fish
4 fight between the montmorency and big tom cat
5 boat abondoned
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Description about the incidents of chapter 1 to 10 Three Men in a Boat
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