50 ml of 1 M oxalic acid is shaken with 0.5 g of charcoal. The final concentration of solution after adsorption is 0.5 M. Calculate the amount of oxalic acid adsorbed per gram of charcoal. Pls explain in detail each step plss...

Dear Student,

Total number of moles of oxalic acid before adsorption = 50 x 1/1000 = 50 mmol
Final concentration of oxalic acid after adsorption = 0.5 M
So, the number of moles of oxalic acid after adsorption = 0.5 x 50 /1000 = 25 mmol 

Hence the total number of oxalic acid adsorbed = 50 - 25 = 25 mmol.
Molar mass of oxalic acid = 126 g 
25 mmol of oxalic acid contains = 126 x 25 x 10-3 = 3.150 g of oxalic acid.

3.150 g of oxalic acid are adsorbed by the 0.5 g of charcoal .

So, the 1 g of charcoal will adsorb = 6.30 g of oxalic acid.

Hence 6.30 g of oxalic acid is adsorbed per gram of charcoal. 


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