6 characteristics of amoeba 

a. Amoeba is a unicellular eukaryote.
b. it has no cell wall.
c. they reproduce by binary fission.
d. they move by the use of pseudopodia.
e. pseudopodia are false feet that extend out and then the rest of the body follows.
f. they are found in ponds rivers and on the surface of leaves and plants.
hope this information will help you .
have a nice day !

  • 27

Amoeba are unicellular eukaryotes with no cell wall. They reproduce using binary fission and move by the use of pseudopodia. Pseudopodia are false feet that extend out, and then the rest of the body follows. Amoeba are found in ponds, rivers and on the surface of leaves and plants. 

  • 6
amoeba: what it looks like unicellular
no fixed shape
grow and wrap
forms pseudopods:bugles in the cell that help it move and eat
eukaryotes  amoeba: how and what they eat heterotrophs
grow and wrap pseutopods around food forming a food vacuole: where food is absorbed and broken down
feeds on bacteria and smaller protists  amoeba: how to reproduces binary fission  amoeba: where it's found freshwater
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