6. Identify the compounds’ A to E in the following reaction sequence
(a) CH3CH2OH –KMnO4--------àA + H2O
(b) CH3CH2OH+A –concH 2 So4-----àB + H2O
(c) B+ NaOH ------àC + CH3CH2OH
(d) A + NaHCO3--------àC+D+ H2O
(e) CH3CH2OH +E ------àCH3CH2ONa + H2

a)A is ethanoic acid CH3COOH
b)B is ethene CH2=CH2
c)B is ethyl ethonate CH3COOC2H5  and C is ethanoic acid CH3COOH
d)A is ethanoic acid CH3COOH and C is sodium acetate CH3COONa and D is CO2
e)E is sodium Na

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