9.??In given figure, RS is diameter and PQ chord of a circle with centre O. Prove that (a) ?RPO = ?OQR (b) ?POQ = 2?PRO

10.??In the given figure, T and M are two points inside a parallelogram PQRS such that PT = MR and PT || MR. Then prove that
??????(a) ?PTR ? ?RMP
??????(b) RT || PM and RT = RM

Dont know
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  • -6
Q10 In triangle PTR and triangle RMP:- PT = MR (Given) PR = PR (Common side) Angle TPR = Angle PRM (Alternate interior angles) By SAS Criteria, triangle PTR is congruent to triangle RMP
  • -6
Q10 b) By CPCTC, TR = MR Angle TRP = Angle RPM I. e. Alternate int. angles So RT || PM
  • -9
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