9 th plse (a. B. C)

Dear student,

a. Label the parts-

1. Pinna
2. Tympanic membrane
3. External auditory canal
4. Malleus and incus
5. Stapes in the oval window
6. Cochlea
7. Cochlear nerve
8. Eustachian tube

The role of parts-

6. It helps in transmitting the impulse through the auditory nerve to the brain.
7. It transfers the auditory information from the cochlea to the brain.
8. It equalizes air pressure on each side of the tympanic membrane and connects the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx.

A sharp object is harmful to remove ear wax because it may injure the ear canal (3. External auditory canal) or eardrum (2. Tympanic membrane).


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