90 assertion & reason

90 assertion & reason to 90). o' 'A' by reason is explanation o' the •on S Reawn are but the the correct explanation of the mark O) Assertion true statement but Reason is (4) If both Assertion and Reason are false mark (4). A : deaves DNA betw•een the two bases on opposite strands centre of æq.ærre. R : Tbs type of chavaw nduces no overtungs DNA arxj called O. A : DNA miwate towards "ng R : dwge•d. 90. A : Competent bacterial cells are incubated with rDNA followed by heat shock at 42•C ard 'lacing them ice. R : Tins mables competent cells to take up rDNA duing transformation as transient pores Me created in c;dl mernbrane Loon heat

Dear student
Please find below the solution to the asked query

The correct option is 1.

Competent host refers to the bacterial cells that have the ability to take up the vector (containing Recombinant DNA). Cells are treated with divalent cations (e.g. Ca2+). Then, these cells are incubated with recombinant DNA on ice, followed by heat shock (at 42º), and then putting them back on ice. By this, bacteria are able to take up recombinant DNA.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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