9th question please..

9th question please.. the O' the side. BA and DC of a quadrilateral • • • LC • _ ofa quadrilateral) MO • •it.hin quadrilateral ABCD, prove that : 0B OD BD. [Hint : W. that •um any two sides eda > BD.I IOUS TYPES OF S

Dear student

Join AC.Since ACF is an exterior angle of a ADC,thenACF=ADC+DAC   [Exterior angle theorem]ACB+BCF=ADC+DACACB+a=y+DAC      ...(1)Since EAC is an exterior angle of a ABC,thenEAC=ABC+BCA   [Exterior angle theorem]EAD+DAC=ABC+ACBb+DAC=x+ACB    ...(2)Adding (1) and (2), we getACB+a+b+DAC=y+DAC+x+ACBx+y=a+b

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