A 6 ohm resistance wire is doubled up by folding. calculate the new resistance of the wire.

resistance is given as

R = ρl/A



ρ is the resistivity (stays constant)

l is the length

A is the cross-sectional area


now initially R = 8 ohms


but if we fold the wire on itself then

A' = 2A

l' = l/2


so, new resistance

R' = ρl'/A' = ρl/2/2A


R' = R/4


so, the new resistance will be R' = 8/4 ohms
So now new resistance = 2 ohm. 

  • 60

12 ohms...maybe not sure !

  • -12

we know that


when wire is doubled up by folding the length gets halved and the area gets doubled.so;.

so, earlier


now R=4pA/L

= 24 ans.

  • -5
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