A 60V, 10W electric lamp is to run on 100V-60Hz mains
1)Calculate the inductance of inductor required
2)If a resistor is to be used in a plane of inductor to achieve the same result, calculate its value
3) Calculate the total power of the circuit in both the cases

a)  We know power of an elctric lamp P = V2R.or             R =  V2P=60×6010=360 ohm.and           I = VR=60360=1/6 A.now A. C. circuit containing LR circuit, V = Z×I = R2+ω2L2 ×INOW          100 =R2+ω2L2 ×16OR              600 = 3602+4π2×602L2OR                360000 = 129600+4π2×602L2OR                 230400 = 4π2×602L2OR                   L2 = 2304004π2×602=2304×7×74×22×22×36OR                     L = 48×72×22×6=2422=1.27 henry.   b)  In case only resistor is used then,       100 = R0×I =R0×16OR        R0 = 100×6 = 600 ohm.c)  power in both of the cases,            P = V×I cosϕ= 100×16×RR2+ω2L2=100×16×360600=10W. and        in second case it is ,                power consumed  P = V×I cosϕ=V×I×cos90°=0because in case of inductor only the phase angle between the current and voltage is 90°.

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