A (a) iii) both (i) and (ii)
    (b) iii) both (i) and (ii)
    (c) i) automobile industry
    (d) iv) all of the above

B (a) The standardisation of parts help to speed up the production of gun factory. Each part of a gun could be made by machines.
    (b) In assembly line it helps to make mass production by it is a system in which each worker would have only a portion of the wheels. Another would place the wheels of the car. And still would another insert the bolts that held the wheels of the car.

  (d) The solution of pollution
    i) The problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute.
    ii) To eliminate car fumes the inventors are working on turbine power cars, as well as cars powered by steam and electricity.
   (e) The another idea that was developed by Henry Ford was the idea of the assembly line. It is a system in which each worker would have only a portion of the wheels. Another would place the wheels of the car. And still would another insert the bolts that held the wheels of the car.

   (f) By this assembly line with increased production the automobiles become much cheaper and more and more people were able to afford them. 

A - all parts are correct
B - all parts are correct
You have not answered part c)
c) The automobile is called a mixed blessing as it does provide mobility and transportation at a fast pace, but accidents are increasing as is traffic congestion.

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