a and b are the points (-2,0) and (0,5) . find the coordinates of two points c and d such that abcd is a square?

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We have:A-2,0 and B0,5Equation of AB is:x-2+y5=15x-2y=-105x-2y+10=0 ;iSlope=tanα=-Coefficient of xCoefficient of y=-5-2=52cosα=229 and sinα=529Side of square=AB=-2-02+0-52=29Slope of line perpendicular to im=-1tanα=-25=tanθ=Perpendicular Basehypotenuse=52+22=29cosθ=-529 and sinθ=229 sine is positive in second quadrantFrom point A-2,0=h,kwe have to move r=29 units upwards along slope m=-25=tanθCo-ordinates of D are:x,y=h+rcosθ,k+rsinθ=-2+29-529,0+29229=-2-5,0+2=-7,2SimilarlyFrom point A0,5=h,kwe have to move r=29 units upwards along slope m=-25=tanθCo-ordinates of C are:x,y=h+rcosθ,k+rsinθ=0+29-529,5+29229=0-5,5+2=-5,7Hence coordinates of C are C-5,7 and D are D-7,2You can find one more value for Cand D by using x,y=h-rcosθ,k-rsinθ.

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