a, b and c of question 18 (I hope the question is clear)

Dear student,

a) Principle of Utmost Good faith has been violated by Mr. Star.

b) It states that both the insured and insurer should have faith in each other. They must present all material details and facts related to subject matter of insurance.

c) Mr Star has ignored social and moral values.


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a) Utmost good faith is the principal. But Mr star doesn't reflect this principle. b) Utmost good faith is the contract between insuree and insurer. It is the duty of insurer to give the full information abt t contract and explain all the trms n conditions to insuree.. c
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C) Mr star is not a faithfull person and he is just want the claim against the goods..
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Afreen is cirrect
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I thought it was principle of insurable interest because he has no interest on the goods insured as he himself sets it all on fire and also removed a major portion before doing it.
And principle of utmost good faith applies at the time of contract right, and here the situation deals with after the insurance contract.
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