A balancing act

Background knowledge
A healthy diet is a balanced combination of food for growth and repair, energy giving food, and vitamins and minerals. You also need food that contains fiber. You cannot digest fiber, but it helps move food through your digestive tract, the amount of food you need depends on how active you are and how much you are growing. If you eat too little, you can suffer from malnutrition because your body is not getting the nutrients it needs. If you eat too much, you can become overweight, which can lead to health problems such as diabetes.

Science activity
Here are some meals with an item missing form each one. Decide what food item you would add to make each meal part of a balanced diet, write the name of the item and which food group it is from.

1 . boiled potato
. cabbage
. carrot
. ...............?

2 . pizza ( cheese and tomato topping )
. ................?

3 . boiled rice
. grilled lamb chop
. bacon
. ................?

4 . chicken drumsticks
. peas
. ...............?

5 . lettuce
. spring onions
. grated carrots
. bread
. ................?

6 . fried egg
. bacon
. toast
. pudding
. ................?

Science investigation
Collect pictures of food and make a collage of a healthy dinner, by sticking them on paper plates, label each food group.

Dear student
1) chicken/bacon as protein should be included in the diet. Carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibres are already there in the form of boiled potato, cabbage and carrot respectively.
2) Any meat because of the above same reason.( cheese is a part of dairy food group so cannot ne considered ).
3) Broccoli as there is no source of vegetable.
4) Bread as there is no source of carbohydrates.
​​​​​​5) Fish as there is no source of protein.
6) Sauted beans and carrots as there is no source of vegetables.
Hope this helps!

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