~~A ball is dropped downwards. After 1 second another ball is dropped downward from the same point. What is the distance between them after 3 seconds?

Dear Student, 
Please find below the solution to the asked query: 
Distance traveled by first ball after 3 seconds:s1=12gt2=12×9.8×32=44.1 mDistance traveled bys second ball after 2 seconds:s2=12gt2=12×9.8×22=19.6 mdistance between the balls after the first ball travel for 3 seconds:d=s1-s2=44.1 - 19.6=24.5 m
Hope this information will clear your doubts about   Motion.                    
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  • 19
Assuming no air or other losses and a gravitational acceleration of exactly 32 ft/sec/sec,
The first ball has been falling for 4 seconds and has fallen 256 feet.
The second ball has been falling for 3 seconds and has fallen 144 feet.
So the two balls are 112 feet apart.
  • -2

Please work out in SI unit.
  • -3
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