A ball of density po falls from the rest from a point P onto the surface of liquid of density p in time T. It enters the liquid , stops, moves up, and returns to P in a total time 3T. Neglect viscousity, surface tension and splashing. The ratio p/po is equal to

a. 1.5

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Please explain briefly.

Good question!

In this question the concept used is time of ascent is equal to the time of descent.
Link: https://www.meritnation.com/ask-answer/question/time-of-ascent-and-time-of-descent-different-but-not-e/motion-in-a-straight-line/1809656

The ball takes time
T to reach from the point P to water, and after coming out reaches the point P again. This would mean that time taken to reach the point P will be same as T
We are now left with the fact that it spent the remaining time (3T-T=)2T inside the water. Now, the force on the ball inside the water will only be buoyant force.

Now, if V is the volume of the ball, the mass will be (Volume x Density=) Vpo 
Buoyant force will be Vp.

The net force inside the water will be V (po-p). Now as the ball remains for time 2T, and the force acting does not change, we know that it's motion will be symmetrical, or time T to go to a depth and then time T to come back to surface.

This motion is exactly opposite to the motion from the point P from the surface and the time taken is the same.
So, the ball must be facing a net force equal to the gravitational force, but in the opposite direction. 

So, we have
Upthrust = - Weight force
V (po-p) = - V p​o
2 p​o = p
p/p​o = 2

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