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We all know that energy possessed by a body due to its position is called potential energy. If the bird was on the ground, then we would have said that it possesses only kinetic energy due to its motion but here in the given question , it is being stated that the bird is flying in the sky . 

As a result , it possesses Mechanical energy which is the sum of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy . (This gravitational potential energy is equal to product of mass , acceleration due to gravity and height attained by the bird.).

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kinetic energy...

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It posseses kinetic energy.(as it is in motion while flying)

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but why nt potential energy !

it is flying on a certain  height

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the bird posseses KINETIC ENERGY and GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL ENRGY  as the object is at certain height and hence,against gravity.Due to th motion of the object,the bird also posseses kinetic energy

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 The bird possesses both kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.,.

The bird possesses kinetic energy because it is in motion while flying and possesses potential energy as it is flying ata a certain height . 

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both  kinetic and gravitational potential energy

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why it will not posses the potential energy as it was flying in a certain height

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