A bookseller buys 1000 books from a publisher. He sells some books at the marked price of 24 each and disposes of the remaining books at 22.5 rupees each. If his total receipts from the sale of books is 23670 find how many books were sold at each of the prices

24x + 22.5(1000 - x )=23670 => 24x + 22500 - 22.5x = 23670 => 24x - 22.5 x = 23670 - 22500 => 1.5x = 1170 => x = 780 1000 - 780 = 220 Ans is 780 and 220
  • -4
Bookseller buys 1000
  • -1
A bookseller buys 1000 books from a publisher. He sells some books at the marked price of 24 each and disposes of the remaining books at sale price of 22.50 each. If his total receipts from the sale of books are 23670, find how many books were sold at each price?
  • 2
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