A bullet of mass 20 g moving with a speed of 75 m/s hits a fixed wooden plank and comes to rest after penetrating a distance of 5 m. what is the average resistive force exerted by the wooden plank on the bullet?

a= u2/2s    =>  752 / (2 * 5)  = 562.5

F = ma  =>  20 * 10-3 * 562.5  = 11.25 N
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Dear student,
As per the given values it is very easy to find the resistive force with basic concepts.
Force= mass*acc.
Here the bullet travels 5m deep before coming to a halt.
So using the newtons equation we should first find the resistive acc of the bullet.
As we already know the mass of the bullet we can find the force.
V= U2 + 2AS
​Here as the final velocity of bullet is zero then V = 0.
So U2 = -2AS
​Now use the given value..
75*75/2*5 = -a
F= 20*10-3 * (-562.5)
F = 11.25N.
Hope this was more helpful as i explained everything in detail.
Vote okay??
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Answer is 11.25N

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