A circle is inscribed in a triangle ABC touching the side AB at D such that AD =5, BD=3. If angle A is 60o then find length BC.

Dear student,

Tangents drawn from external point to a circle are equal in lengthBD = BF=3CF =CEAD=5=AEusing cos A = b2+c2-a22bccos 60° = AE+CE2+AD+BD2-BF+CF22AE+CEAD+BD12= 5+CE2+5+32-3+CE225+CE812= 25+CE2+10CE+64-9-CE2-6CE25+CE812= 4CE+80165+CE165+CE=8CE+16025+CE=CE+20CE = 10=CFthen, BC = CF+BF=10+3=13 units

Hope this information will clear your doubts. If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help out as soon as possible.



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