A circle with centre O is inscribed in a right angled triangle ABC in which B = 90o. The circle touches AB, BC and AC at points P, Q and R respectively. If PB=2 cm, find the diameter of the circle.

Answer :

We form our diagram , As :

We know " A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point of tangency. "

 OPB  =  OQB  =   90°         ---- (  1 )
 PBQ =  90°     ( As given   B  = 90° )
In quadrilateral PBQO from angle sum property , we get

 OPB  +  OQB  +  PBQ +  QOP = 360°  Substitute values , we get 90°  +  90°  + 90° +  QOP = 360°    QOP = 90°  

Quadrilateral PBQO is a parallelogram as its opposite angles are equal.
So, PB = OQ and OP = QB  [As opposite sides of parallelogram are equal]
Now, OP = OQ [Radii of same circle]
Hence, PB = OQ = OP = QB
So, PBQO is a square.
Now, PB = 2 cm
So, OQ = PB = 2 cm
Radius of circle  =  2cm
Diameter of circle  = 2 radius =   4 cm                                  ( Ans )

  • 15
4 cm .... POQB is a square ..... /  PBQ   = / OQB  =  /OPB = 90o ...... ( radii  perpendicular to the tangents )
  • 6
  • 2
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