A compound a  having molecular formula C4H10O is found to be soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. It does not react with sodium metal or potassium permanganate. On heating with exess HI, it gives a single alkyl halide. Deduce the structure of A, write it IUPAC name and explain all the reactions involved using equations.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

As metallic sodium does not react with an ether, furthermore, an ether on reacting with excess of boiling HI can produce alkyl halides, and  here only one alkyl halide is formed, the groups present on either side of the O atom in a ether must be ethyl.
i) When ether reacts with sulphuric acid, it forms an alkene and  H2O
C4H10O + H2SO4
 C4H8 + H2O

(ii) (C2H5)2O + Na
No reaction

(iii) (C2H5)2O + HI

The compound is Diethyl ether
The IUPAC name of the compound is  :  Ethoxyethane , (C2H5)2O



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