a copper wire 3mm in diameter ,is wound about a cylinder whose length is 12cm , and diameter 10cm so as to cover the csa of the cylinder . find the length and mass of the wire , assuming the density of copper to be 8.88g per cm3

It can be observed that 1 round of wire will cover 3 mm height of cylinder.
Length of wire required in 1 round = Circumference of base of cylinder
= 2πr = 2π × 5 = 10π
Length of wire in 40 rounds = 40 × 10π
= 1257.14 cm = 12.57 m

Radius of wire= .0.3/2 = 0.15 

Volume of wire = Area of cross-section of wire × Length of wire

= π(0.15)2 × 1257.14
= 88.898 cm3
Mass = Volume × Density
= 88.898 × 8.88
= 789.41 gm
  • 133
A copper wire 3mmin diameter is wound about a cylinder whose length 1.2m and diameter10 cm so as to cover the curved surface area of the cylinder .find the length of wire
  • 7
  • -21
12571.4 cm
  • -16
  • -10
I reliable answer is 12560cm
  • -10
1256 cm is the length of the wire
  • 3
  • -16
  • -19
  • -25

  • -24
By Manit Gera...

  • 2
  • -15
And : on the photo for more ans ask me Arjun42002@gmail.com

  • -5
  • -7
thanxx for the answers....!!!!
  • -4
Length of wire required in 1 round = Circumference of base of cylinder = 2πr = 2π × 5 = 10π Length of wire in 40 rounds = 40 × 10π = 1257.14 cm = 12.57 m Radius of wire= .0.3/2 = 0.15 Volume of wire = Area of cross-section of wire × Length of wire = π(0.15)2 × 1257.14 = 88.898 cm3 Mass = Volume × Density = 88.898 × 8.88 = 789.41 gm
  • 9
  • -6
can be observed that 1 round of wire will cover 3 mm height of cylinder. Length of wire required in 1 round = Circumference of base of cylinder = 2πr = 2π × 5 = 10π Length of wire in 40 rounds = 40 × 10π = 1257.14 cm = 12.57 m Radius of wire= .0.3/2 = 0.15 Volume of wire = Area of cross-section of wire × Length of wire = π(0.15)2 × 1257.14 = 88.898 cm3 Mass = Volume × Density = 88.898 × 8.88 = 789.41 gm
  • 2
It can be observed that 1 round of wire will cover 3 mm height of cylinder.

Length of wire required in 1 round = Circumference of base of cylinder
= 2πr = 2π × 5 = 10π
Length of wire in 40 rounds = 40 × 10π

= 1257.14 cm = 12.57 m

Radius of wire= .0.3/2 = 0.15 

Volume of wire = Area of cross-section of wire × Length of wire

Hope this might help you 

= π(0.15)2 × 1257.14
= 88.898 cm3
Mass = Volume × Density
= 88.898 × 8.88
= 789.41 gm
  • 0
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