​​​a cube whose side is 6cm has a cylindrical hole of radius 2cm and heught equal to the side of the cube in the middle. find the surface area of the solid if it is to be painted all over ?

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We have,Side of cube=6 cm, radius of the base of cylindrical hole,r=2 cm and its height,h=6 cmSurface area of the solid=TSA of cube+CSA of cylinder-2×area of base of cylinder=6×side2+2πrh-2πr2=6×side2+2πrh-r=6×62+2×227×26-2=216+3527=216+50.29=316.29 cm2    Approx.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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Please be specific :
•If π = (22/7) then SA will be 165.71 cm³.
•If π = (3.14) then SA will be 165.76 cm³.
  • 1
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