A farmer wishes to distribute 153 oranges and 102 guavas into baskets of equal size that will contain each of the above in equal numbers. Find the minimum number of baskets required. How many fruits will be there in each basket?

Dear student

A farmer wishes to distribute 153 oranges and 102 guavas into baskets of equal size that will contain each of the above in equal number.

Oranges = 153 = 3 * 3 * 17

Guavas = 102 = 2 * 3 * 17

HCF = 3 * 17 = 51

Smallest common factor other than 1 = 3

We can have 3 Baskets 

Then 51 Oranges  + 34 guavas in one basket

Total Fruits in one basket = 51 + 34 = 85

or if we put equal fruits in each basket individually

then 3 basket of 51 oranges

         2 baskets of 51 guavas

total 5 Basket

51 fruits in each basket


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