A garage owner brought a certain amt of petrol for Rs450. if petrol costs Rs x per litre ,write down the expression for no. of litres of petrol obtained. When the price per litre increases by Rs 5 per litre, he found that he obtained 3 litres less for the same sum of money. find the original price of petrol per litre.

Answer :

Given  : A garage owner bought a certain amount of petrol for Rs.450 and  petrol costs Rs. x per litre .


Quantity of petrol bought from Rs 450  = 450x litres

When the price per litre increases by Rs 5 per litre, then

Quantity of petrol bought from Rs 450 = 450x + 5 litres

But he found that he obtained 3 litres less for the same sum of money. So, we get

450x  - 3  = 450x + 5

450x - 3 = 450x + 5450 - 3xx = 450x + 5 450 - 3x  x + 5  = 450x450x +2250- 3x2 - 15x = 450x- 3x2 - 15x + 2250 = 0 - 3 x2 + 5x - 750  = 0   x2 + 5x - 750  = 0   x2 +30x -25x - 750  = 0   x  x+30  -25  x+30  = 0   x - 25    x+30  = 0 
x  = 25 and  - 30 
And we take x as price of petrol per litre , So , x can't be negative , Then we neglect x  = - 30  and get
x  = 25
Original price of petrol per litre  = Rs  25                                                        ( Ans )

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