A man completed a trip of 136 km in 8 hrs. Some part of the trip was covered at 15 km/hr. What is the part of the trip covered at 18 km/hr?

Let the part of the trip covered at 18 km/hr  be x km
Hence the part of the trip covered at 15 km/hr = (136-x)km

Now time taken for covering x km at 18 km/hr = x18hrs
And time taken for covering (136-x)km at 15 km/hr =136-x15hrs

Now it is given that total distance is covered in 8 hrs

x18+136-x15=815x+2448-18x270 =8-3x+2448 =21603x = 288x=96 km Hence part of trip covered at 18 km/hr = 96 km

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