A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times.He throws  a die & reports that it is a six.Find the probability that it is actually a six. 

Let E1 : The event that six comes on the die.

E2 : The event that six does not comes on the die.

A : The event that man report it is a six.

Probability that the man report that there is a six on the die given that six comes on the die.

= Probability that man speaks truth


Probability that the man reports that there is a six on the die given that six does not comes on the die.

= Probability that man does not speak truth

By Baye's  Theorem, we have

= Probability that there is a six given that man reports that there is a six on die.

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let the probablity be P

probablity of speaking truth is 0.75

and that of speaking false is 0.25

probablity of coming 6=1/6

P=(0.75*1/6) / {(0.75*1/6) + (0.25*5/6)}


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