. A marble tile would feel cold as compared to a wooden tile on a winter morning, because the marble tile

(a) is a better conductor of heat than the wooden tile. 9answer)

(b) is polished while wooden tile is not polished.

(c) reflects more heat than wooden tile.

(d) is a poor conductor of heat than the wooden tile.

kindly check the answer for the question, please!


A laboratory thermometer A is kept 7 cm away on the side of the flame while a similar thermometer B is kept 7 cm above the flame of a candle as shown in Figure .

Which of the thermometers, A or B, will show a greater rise in temperature? Give reason for your answer.

The polised surface of tiles acts as good conductor of heat and the wood acts as insulstor or bad conductor of heat , hence the basic cause behind the heating effect can be tiles are good conductors of heat , this can seen at night when tiles get cooled that that of wood when no light falls its gets cooled hence reason a is correct . 
In second question the heting due to radiation is greater than heat due to convection henc ethe thermometre which is above the flame measures greater temperature than side one.

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.A marble tile would feel cold as compared to a wooden tile on a winter morning, because the marble tile

(a) is a better conductor of heat than the wooden tile. --answer)

(b) is polished while wooden tile is not polished.

(c) reflects more heat than wooden tile.

(d) is a poor conductor of heat than the wooden tile.

kindly check the answer for the question, please!


A laboratory thermometer A is kept 7 cm away on the side of the flame while a similar thermometer B is kept 7 cm above the flame of a candle

Which of the thermometers, A or B, will show a greater rise in temperature? Give reason for your answer.

Asked byKrish Subramani...5 minutes agoSubject:Science

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