
A mendelian experiment consisted of breeding tall pea plants bearing violet flower with short pea plants bearing white flowers. The progency  bore violet flowers but half of them were shot. 

(i) What is the genotype of the parents ?
(ii) What is the genotype of the F1 progency?
(iii) What is the genotype and phenotype of  F2 progency if F1 progency is cross fertilized.
show it with the help of a flow diagram. 

Dear student.

This is an example of test cross.

1. Genotype of parent is  tall parent with violet flowers (TtWW) and short parent with white flowers (ttww).

II. Genotype of F1 progeny: TtWw(tall violet) and ttWw(short violet).

III.  If the cross is made between the tall parent TtWW and other parent ttww, genotype of the progeny obtained is 

TtWw (8): ttWw (4): ttWw (4)

All the progeny bears violet flowers but half of them are tall and half are short.


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