A metal cube of 2cm edge weighs 0.56N in air, taking g=10m/s^2. calculate its apparent weight when immersed in spirit of density 0.85g/cm^3?

A metal cube of 2cm edge weighs 0.56N in air, taking g=10m/s^2. calculate its apparent weight when immersed in spirit of density 0.85g/cm^3?

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Explanation: CUBE = 2cm = 2/100 m = 2*10^-2m Given, length of cube, l = 2*10^-2m Volume V = l^3 = 8*10^-6m Let's, density = p (sorry, it's raw not P I'm taking p) then, Mass = p*v M = p*8*10^-6*10 = p*8*10^-3 therefore, 0.56 = p*8*10^-6*10 = p*7*10^3 kg m^-3 Therefore, Density of material p= 7*10^3 kg m^-3 when it is submerged in a liquid with density P(L), it's apparent weight reduces due to Buoyant Force on it Buoyant force N= P(L) Vg Given, P(L) = 0.85g cm^-3 = 0.85*10^3 kg m^-3 N = 0.85 * 10^3 * 8 * 10^-6 * 10 = 68 * 10^-3 N = 0.068 N Apparent weight W1 = W-N = (0.56-0.068) N = 0.492 N
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