A monkey fell into a well of 10m deep. In every jump he climbs up by 2m but slips down by 1m. He will be able to come out of the well in ___________jump.

Answer :

Monkey fell into a well of 10 m deep .

He climbs up by 2 m but slips down by 1 m .


After 8 jumps he climb 8 m . 

And In next jump (  9th jump )  he will came out of the well .

As :

8  m  + 2 m  =  10 m


He will be able to come out of the well in 9th jump .                          ( Ans )

  • 4
In 10 jumps.
                    If he jumps 2m high and falls 1m, 
 Then 2-1 = 1m
Therefore he will jump only 1m high.
Hence, 10*1 = 10m
  • 0
10m high
  • -3
The answer would be 10 jumps as:-
The monkey would be able to jump 2m high and fall 1m on every jump. That means the expression would be
2-1= 1m on every jump.
If he repeats this process until he reaches 10m, it would take 10 jumps to come out of the well as 
​The full expression can be written as 
(2-1)x10= 10m
​Hence the monkey would come out of the well after 10 jumps.

  • -4
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