A number is as much greater than 17 as it is less than 47. find the number

Dear Student!

Let the number be x.

The number is greater than 17 by x – 17.

The number is less than 47 by 47 – x.

x –17 = 47 – x

⇒ x + x  = 47 + 17  (Transposing x to LHS  and 17 to RHS )

Thus, the required number is 32.


  • 5


  • 0

 Let the number be x.

Then the number is greater than 47 by (x - 17)

and the number is less than 47 by (47 – x) 

Now it is given that they both are equal 

Now form the equation and solve it 

x-17 = 47-x                        

x+x-17 = 47

2x-17 = 47

2x = 47+17

2x = 644

x = 64/2

x = 32

Thumbs up please




  • 15

Sorry there is a mistake in second line it should be

Then the number is greater than 17 by (x - 17)


  • 2
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