A number"X" leaves the same reminder while dividing 5814, 5430, 5958. What is the largest possible value of "X" . 
{ Please find the solution with proper explanation and please don't give any weblink or any certified answer}

Hello Santanu, let y be the remainder in all the cases 
So we can write 
5814 = a X + y
5430 = b X + y
And 5958 = c X + y
==> (a - b) X = 384
And (c - b) X = 528
Also (c - a) X = 144
Now we have to find the HCF of 384, 528 and 144
It is found to be 48
48 * 8 , 48 * 11 and 48 * 3
Hence maximum value of X is 48

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