a one minute speech on "obesity- a matter of concern" for asl

​In this century, people have become used to the fast paced life. This lifestyle change is, not only causing negative effects on their health, body and mind.Among these, the obesity is turning out to be a growing concern in the world's population. Overweight and obesity were first considered a problem of rich countries only, but now they have become a concern in poor countries also. India is not an exception to them and there are rising numbers of people in middle-class that are obese. People are attracted towards processed foods. A lot of the Indian population has started relying on processed food which contains a huge percentage of Trans fat, sugars, and other unhealthy and artificial ingredients. The fat build up in a person's body may cause them to suffer from chronic diseases and severe illnesses.A few years ago operations and surgeries were not needed because people were active and did not rely on processed food. These days' plastic surgeons and doctors are in high demand to perform surgeries to make a person look slimmer and prevent their bodies against diseases. There are lots of ways to reduce obesity. One of them is that one should eat a fruit salad instead of eating sweets. Sweets are high in sugar and glucose. Another is to eat more green vegetables. There are lots of foods that have low levels of fat which people would enjoy eating. To stop this increase of obesity in India people need to take action about it at an earlier stage. Everyone should exercise daily and eat healthy food. Even stress sometimes is related to obesity. A person should always be relaxed and not stress out about a little concern. Eat healthy, stay fit, and feel fresh!
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We all know that Obesity has something to do with being fat, but what is it actually, and how BIG a problem is it? Well, according to the Wikipedia, Obesity is a condition in which there is so much body fat that the health of a person may be affected negatively by it. It derives from the Latin word "obesitas" meaning stout, fat or plump.Obesity is a fast spreading problem for children today. In fact it is currently one of the leading causes of death that can be prevented. It is estimated that 1/3rd of all children between 2-19 years are overweight or obese and it is spreading so fast that it is now considered as an epidemic (a disease that spreads throughout a region). Although obesity was previously thought to be confined to western countries mainly, especially among the rich and affluent families, the number of obese children in developing countries is steadily increasing, even among the not so well-to do families. Did you know that in the world around 22 million children under 5 years are overweight and there are 2.5 million deaths due to obesity each year?. Eat wisely and correctly: limit the amount of fats and sugars you eat. Avoid eating large portions and eating in front of the TV as you tend to eat more when doing so. Eat more fruits, vegetables and legumes. Substitute fried foods with baked, steamed or grilled choices- these require much less oil. Avoid carbonated and soft drinks. Choose natural fruit juices and drink plenty of water.
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