A Paragraph describing  an incident that occurred during the rains which you can never forget

 The rains in Oklahoma fall hard, often coming down sideways or in the form of mud due to chronic strong winds. One particular rain I remember was when I was a member of Third Corp, stationed at Ft. Sill north of Lawton. One of the Sergeants Major from our unit was retiring, and we were preparing his retirement party at the NCO club on post. We had finished setting up and realized that we had forgotten the flag that was to be given to him from our unit as a gift. I and a fellow soldier rushed back to the unit across post to retrieve it when it began to rain. At first, the rain was just those big, pregnant drops that sometimes fall from a clear summer sky, but it quickly tranformed into a raging monsoon. Driving in the military jeep, neither of us could see twenty feet in front of us. Not being the driver, I was forced to exit the jeep and walk immediately in front, waiving a flashlight and tapping the hood to signal the driver to advance. The water rose so fast in the road, that within minutes it was washing over the tops of my boots, leaving me drenched. What was normally a five minute ride took nearly thirty to complete.

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