A pea plant with tall plant and violet flowers (TtVV) were crossed to short plant with white flowers (ttvv). Find out the phenotypes and genotypes of offspring obtained as result of this cross.

So, the genotypic ratio will be 1 tall violet : 1 small violet and phenotypic ratio will be 1 TtVv : 1 ttVv.

@ Others : Good work. Keep posting!!


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T t V V * t t v v = 

  1. T t V v (tall and violet)
  2. T t V v (tall and violet)
  3. t t V v (short and violet)
  4. t t V v (short and violet)

Phenotype= 1:1

Genotype= 1:1

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phenotype:1tall and violet flower :1 SHORT AND VIOLET Flower

genotype: TtWw and ttWw

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