a piece of sealing wax weighs 0.27 kgf in air and 0.12 kgf when immersed in water. Calculate apparent weight in a liquid of density 800 kgm?

A piece of iron weighs 155gf in air and 133gf in water what is its volume and the relative density of the iron what would be the same piece of iron appear to weigh in alcohol of density 0.8 g cm–³
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(a) When a solid substance is placed in liquid , its weight decreases . By this phenomenon , the relative density of substance can be found by the relation Relative density (d) = W1/(W1 - W2) here W₁ = weight of wax in air and W₂ = weight of wax in water Therefore density d = 0.27/( 0.27 - 0.12) = 0.27/0.15 = 9/5 = 1.8 (b) Apparent weight = weight of body - upthrust = 0.27kgf - 0.12kgf = 0.15kgf (Answer according to book)
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