A radioactive isotope has a half-life of T years. How long will it take the activity to reduce to a) 3.125%, b) 1% of its original value?

Half-life of the radioactive isotope = T years

Original amount of the radioactive isotope = N0

(a) After decay, the amount of the radioactive isotope = N

It is given that only 3.125% of N0 remains after decay. Hence, we can write:


λ = Decay constant

t = Time

Hence, the isotope will take about 5T years to reduce to 3.125% of its original value.

(b) After decay, the amount of the radioactive isotope = N

It is given that only 1% of N0 remains after decay. Hence, we can write:

Since, λ = 0.693/T

Hence, the isotope will take about 6.645T years to reduce to 1% of its original value.

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