a rectungular field is of size 25m * 16.4m...two parts ran parallel to the sides of the rectangle throughout the centre of the field..the width of the longer and shorter parts are 1.7m and 2m...find the area of the parts and also find the area of the remaning portion of the field..

Let ABCD be the rectangular field with AB = 25 m and AD = 16.4 m. It has two paths having width 1.7 m and 2m.

Area of two paths = Area of rectangle LMNO + area of rectangle PQRS – area of common portion

 = [(25 × 1.7) + (16.4 × 2) – (1.7 × 2)] m2

 = 71.9 m2

Area of remaining portion of field = Area of field ABCD – area of two paths

 = [(25 × 16.4) – 71.9] m2

 = (410 – 71.9) m2

 = 338.1 m2

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