A small object of mass = 234 g slides along a track with elevated ends and a central flat part, as shown in below figure. The flat part has length L = 2.16 m. The curved portions of the track are frictionless; but in traversing  the flat part, object loses 688 mJ of mechanical energy, due to friction. The object is released at point A, which is at height h = 1.05 m above the flat part of the track. Where does the object finally come to rest ?

1) Particle will move back and forth across the flat portion 3.5 times while attempting one last right to left journey. 
2) Particle will move back and forth across the flat portion 4 times while attempting one last left to right journey. 
3) Particle will move back and forth across the flat portion 3.5 times while attempting one last left to right journey. 

Dear student,

The potential energy at point A is 
U=mghU=234×9.81×1.05U=2.41 J.
The curved portion of the track is frictionless but in transversing the flat part the object loses 688mJ of mechanical energy due to friction.
The number of the times the object moves back and forth across the flat portion is the ration of potential energy of the object at point A to the mechanical energy the object loses due to friction.
So the option is 1.


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